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March 13, 2023

FinTech Wales Recruitment Day; Introducing Great Talent to Great Employers

We’re delighted to be hosting a Recruitment Day to introduce leading FinTech organisations to amazing individuals with various different skills and backgrounds who are looking for their next opportunity. Whether you’re an employer searching for new talent, or an individual keen to learn what opportunities are available, find out how you can get involved today.

March 10, 2023

The FinTech Five – 10th March 2023

Welcome to the FinTech Five, where we take a fortnightly look at the best articles, news, insights and features from our FinTech Wales members. Featuring stories from: Innovate Finance, Lloyds Banking Group, de Novo Solutions & more.

March 09, 2023

FinTechs in Wales actively seeking more women in tech

FinTech Wales and Chwarae Teg have partnered with Code First Girls, a social enterprise that provides free coding courses to women and non-binary people across the UK, to offer exclusive training and employment opportunities for females in Wales. 

March 03, 2023

Recruitment Roundup – 3rd March 2023 

Read our latest recruitment Roundup and discover a variety of the latest job vacancies from FinTech Wales members. Featuring vacancies from: Acquis, Coincover, LDMS, Illustrate Digital & more.

February 24, 2023

The FinTech Five – 24th February 2023 

Welcome to the FinTech Five, where we take a fortnightly look at the best articles, news, insights and features from our FinTech Wales members. Featuring stories from: Coincover, Go.Compare & TCI Futures, Backbase and more...

February 17, 2023

Recruitment Roundup – 17th February 2023 

Read our latest recruitment Roundup and discover a variety of the latest job vacancies from FinTech Wales members. Featuring vacancies from: de Novo Solutions, Pepper Money, FE funding & more.

February 10, 2023

The FinTech Five – 10th February 2023 

Welcome to the FinTech Five, where we take a fortnightly look at the best articles, news, insights and features from our FinTech Wales members. Featuring stories from: Credas, Driverly, de Novo Solutions, CCR & more.

February 03, 2023

Recruitment Roundup – 3rd February 2023

Read our latest recruitment Roundup and discover a variety of the latest job vacancies from FinTech Wales members. Featuring vacancies from: ActiveQuote, Blukite, Go.Compare, Coincover & more.