Member Reports & Insights
Collaboration and co-operation within the FinTech Wales network is key for innovation and evolution. Our extensive community of members share their own reports from across the Welsh FinTech landscape to support the growth of the industry and provide new insight.
A Retrospective on DDoS Trends in 2023 and Actionable Strategies for 2024
Dive into the dynamic world of cybersecurity with Akamai’s latest report on distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack trends in 2023. Brace yourself for a riveting exploration of the cyber threat landscape as cybercriminals, hacktivists, and malicious actors unleashed a wave of record-breaking attacks.
The Gender Index 2023
We invite you to explore the insights in our latest report which draws comparisons between the activity of female-led companies in 2021/2022 and 2022/2023. There are some unexpected results which you can view in full here.
McKinsey Nexus of Insurtech Report
The United Kingdom: The Nexus of Insurtech What is the key to the success of the UK insurtech sector— and where does the sector go from here? by Edward Allanson, Andrea Comina, Pietro Richelli, and Leda Zaharieva
Surviving Economic Abuse – Seen yet sidelined – Report
Our new report reveals that economic abuse is no longer ‘hidden’ in plain sight. Up and down the country experiences of economic control are being shared by domestic abuse victim-survivors with police officers and in courts.
Sonovate – Future World of Work 2023
As the economy is still recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re living, working and building businesses against a backdrop of extreme geopolitical turmoil, the first inflationary recession in 50 years and a cost of living crisis that’s putting financial strain on millions of people. These remarkable conditions are faced by individuals and businesses alike. Sonovate surveyed the market to better understand what this all means. Here’s what they learned.
Cardiff Comittment Introduction
The Cardiff Commitment, aligned to Cardiff Council’s ‘Stronger Fairer Greener’, supports the vision that the public, private and third sector organisations will work in partnership with schools and education providers, to raise ambition and connect children and young people to the vast range of opportunities available in the world of work.
Ultimately, the goal of the Cardiff Commitment is to ensure that all young people in Cardiff develop the skills and knowledge needed to secure a post-16 destination that
enables them to reach their full potential, whilst contributing to the economic growth of the city.