Businesses Unite to Double the Wales and West England Economy by 2050

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Businesses Unite to Double the Wales and West England Economy by 2050

On October 19th, businesses, universities, and local authorities gathered in Newport for the 2024 Convention of the Western Gateway to unveil an ambitious plan aimed at doubling the cross-border economy of Wales and West England by 2050. The event launched the Western Gateway’s ‘Plan for Sustainable Growth,’ which seeks to add £250bn to the UK economy by promoting strategic growth and investment across the region.

The convention, hosted by SSE Energy Solutions, attracted leaders from various sectors, including UK and Welsh Ministers, business executives, academics, and charities. The event brought together 28 local authorities, businesses, and universities, highlighting the strength of collaboration across South Wales and Western England. Key organizations like Associated British Ports, Ogi, Wales and West Utilities, Bristol Airport, Vantage Data Centres, and Transport for Wales participated in discussions on how to implement the growth plan.

Accelerating Net Zero and Economic Growth

Nathan Sanders, managing director of SSE Energy Solutions, emphasized the importance of strategic partnerships, saying, “Collaborations like our new partnership with the Western Gateway are vital to accelerating the net zero transition and delivering meaningful social value. Together, we can fast-track affordable, clean energy solutions for communities and businesses in the Western Gateway, driving sustainable growth and creating green jobs.”

Unlocking Investment Potential

Sarah Williams-Gardener, chairman of the Western Gateway, stressed the need for grassroots solutions to attract new investment and connect underserved communities. “Our plan promotes innovative economic solutions and better connections for communities at risk of being left behind. I look forward to working with both Governments to achieve our region’s potential in the coming years,” she said.

Cardiff Council leader and Western Gateway vice-chairman, Cllr Huw Thomas, echoed these sentiments, highlighting the readiness of the region to partner with governments in delivering sustainable economic growth.

This new growth plan sets the stage for significant investment and development in the region, ensuring that Wales and West England play a crucial role in driving the UK economy towards a more sustainable and prosperous future.