Unlocking the potential of blockchain
23 October, 2019
Considered as one of the most disruptive technologies, the blockchain (a peer-to-peer distributed data infrastructure) enables the creation of decentralised currencies (e.g. Bitcoin), self-executing digital contracts (smart contracts) and intelligent assets that can be controlled over the internet (smart property).
While the technology has advanced steadily over the past few years and its business potential have been actively explored in various sectors, we are yet to see large scale deployment in practice, largely due to its complexities, the challenges it presents to industries, investors and policy makers, and lack of clarity of its value to organisations.
This workshop aims to separate fact from hype, explore blockchain’s use cases and insights gained from early implementations and the potential of blockchain to address economic and social challenges.
This is the first workshop on blockchain across Cardiff University. Via this workshop, we hope to facilitate cross-disciplinary research dialogues and collaboration between different academic disciplines and with private, public and third sector organisations.
There will also be a light buffet provided and networking opportunities throughout. Details and registration are on Eventbrite