FinTech Wales at Credit Week: A Recap of Our Involvement and Highlights

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Credit Week, a key event in the financial services industry, recently took place at Celtic Manor in Wales, bringing together professionals to discuss the latest trends and challenges in credit and finance. FinTech Wales participated actively in this year’s event, hosting discussions and engaging with industry stakeholders.

What is Credit Week?

Credit Week is an annual gathering for the financial services industry, featuring a variety of sessions such as panel discussions, fireside chats, and networking opportunities. The event aims to foster collaboration and share knowledge among industry leaders.

FinTech Wales’ Involvement in Credit Week

Fireside Chat with PureCyber Limited CEO, Damon Rands

One of our key contributions was hosting a Fireside Chat with Damon Rands, CEO of PureCyber Limited, on the final day of Credit Week. The session, titled “Navigating Cyber Security and Rising Cyber Insurance Costs,” provided valuable insights into the complexities of cyber protection. Damon shared practical advice on how businesses can safeguard their operations while managing rising cyber insurance costs, highlighting the importance of robust cyber security measures.

Additionally, we attended a panel discussion on “Fighting Threats in Cyber Security,” moderated by Tomas Evans, Chief Offensive Security Officer at PureCyber. The panel included Dan Evans, Head of Cyber Security at Vodafone, and Chris Powell, Group Director of Security and IT at M-KOPA, who shared their experiences and perspectives on evolving cyber security threats and solutions.

Panel Discussion: The Use of Credit Data in Insurance & Collections

In collaboration with the Welsh Government, FinTech Wales hosted a panel discussion on “The Use of Credit Data and its Applications in Insurance & Collections.” Our CEO, Sarah Kocianski, led the session, featuring insights from Mark Harries, Global Accounts Director at Atradius Collections; Jason Braidwood FCICM Grad, Global Head of Credit & Collections at Creditsafe; and Brian Morgan FCICM, Senior Director at BlackLine. The discussion focused on the evolving role of credit data in decision-making for insurance and collections, highlighting its significance as a key asset in the industry.

Fireside Chat with Voltric CEO & Founder, Julian B. Mensah

We also hosted a Fireside Chat with Julian B. Mensah, MSc, CEO & Founder of Voltric, on “Navigating Tomorrow: Financing the Future of Mobility.” Julian discussed the relationship between finance and the evolution of mobility, touching on topics such as the synergy between fintech and mobility technologies, infrastructure funding for smart cities, and the importance of public-private partnerships in supporting mobility solutions. His insights offered a look into the future of mobility financing and its potential developments.

Advancing Cyber Security Innovations

Throughout Credit Week, FinTech Wales emphasized its commitment to advancing cyber security innovations. Our hosted discussions brought together experts to address current challenges and share forward-thinking solutions, reinforcing our dedication to promoting a secure digital landscape for businesses.

Looking Ahead

Credit Week at Celtic Manor provided a valuable platform for discussions and networking. Moving forward, FinTech Wales remains dedicated to supporting innovation and the fintech ecosystem in Wales. We look forward to continuing these conversations and exploring new opportunities for growth and collaboration.

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